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Costs Judge corruptly followed the corrupt decision of a Deputy Master of the Court of Appeal

A Costs Judge of the Senior Courts Costs Office at the Royal Courts of Justice has by his detailed assessment of costs' decision followed the corrupt decision earlier made by a Deputy Master of the Court of Appeal that the Litigant-in-Person route of appeal from a final order of a Circuit Judge in the County Court is to "a Circuit Judge of the County Court."

It would be recall that the same Litigant-in-Person's appeal to the Court of Appeal was corruptly frustrated by a Deputy Master of the Court of Appeal who decided that the route of appeal was to "a Circuit Judge in the County Court."

The Litigant-in-Person pleadings to Liberty, Equality and Human Rights Commission, and other Human Rights Organisations in the United Kingdom for his gross human rights to be respected and restored appeared completely disregarded.

Could the Litigant-in-Person racial background be a factor for not being assisted or these bodies are not interested to challenge any unlawful decision made from the Royal Courts of Justice?

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